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Flux IT ft. Banco Macro

Recently, we embarked on our first project with Banco Macro, a private bank with the largest branch network in Argentina, which has +40 years’ experience in providing financial solutions for individuals and companies. 

The project seeks to optimize information regarding asset delivery to clients (credit & debit cards, rewards, dongles, among other assets) and it started off with a discovery phase led by Flux IT’s Experience Design team.

The goal is to integrate the different systems that provide product information with one another, so that, in the future, the bank will be able to track such products from only one system, thus centralizing information and reducing costs.

“We worked hard to develop an extremely scalable and decoupled stack in AWS with microservices with Java and React; a stack for which we used Kubernetes (EKS). Since the architecture is a modular one, modules will be incorporated to fulfill different purposes as needed within Macro’s ecosystem. A major technological challenge lies ahead of us if we aim for low coupling and high cohesion between modules.”

Demian Sclausero, Solution Architect

With this first joint project, Banco Macro and Flux IT seek to improve the bank’s client experience regarding asset delivery and to provide the basis for future technological developments together as a team. Also, since we are the first external company to work with the Bank at a technological level, we can help them with their digital roadmap so as to boost the digital transformation of Argentina’s financial sector even more.

Check out our digital channels to keep up with this relationship’s news!